
C019 banner EN

2023Structural basis  Prevention  |  2023-01-30

Structural basis for a conserved neutralization epitope on the receptor-binding domain of SARS-CoV-2

Dr. Alex Che Ma

2021monoGspike-EN Prevention  |  2022-03-03

Mono-GlcNAc-decorated spike vaccine is highly effective against COVID-19 variants

Dr. Chi-Huey Wong, Dr. Alex Che Ma

2022 RNA vaccine Prevention  |  2022-02-15

mRNA vaccine of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein with deletion of multiple glycosites is broadly protective against variants of concern

Dr. Chi-Huey Wong, Dr. Kuo-I Lin, Dr. Alex Che Ma

2021 remdesivir Prevention  |  2021-04-14

Simplified Procedure to Prepare Remdesivir for SARS-CoV-2 and Nipah Virus

Dr. Shang-Cheng Hung, Dr. Chi-Huey Wong

2021Anti COVID 19 GRCcover Prevention  |  2021-01-27

Repurposing Existing Medicines as Anti-COVID-19 Virus Agents

Dr. Jia-Tsrong Jan, Dr. Chi-Huey Wong, Dr. Shang-Cheng Hung

2020lablabB cover Prevention  |  2020-07-29

FRIL Can Grab the Thorny Crown to Fight Off COVID-19

Dr. Alex Che Ma, Dr. Jia-Tsrong Jan

20200930TestKit Detection  |  2020-03-09

A Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test Kit Delivered

Dr. An-Suei Yang

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