The graduate students from Kanazawa University, who received the Japanese 'HaKaSe+' program scholarship, visited our center as part of an exchange program meticulously arranged by Professor Hui-Ling Sung from the School of Continuing Education at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). On November 18, the students were warmly welcomed by Deputy Director Yun-Ru (Ruby) Chen at our center. The students actively shared their research topics and engaged in lively discussions with our faculty, students, and postdoctoral fellows, showcasing their outstanding academic abilities. Dr. Ting-Jen Cheng guided the group on a tour of our Ultra-High Throughput Drug Screening System core facility. The atmosphere was friendly, and everyone had an enjoyable and fulfilling day. We look forward to welcoming them again in the future!
Academic Exchange (2024.11.18)
Event Snapshots